Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another day and not another dime

Since my last post, which I had to skim to refresh myself, quite a bit has happened. To get a few things out of the way: Nate and I are still talking to each other, porridge (oatmeal) in the morning is still bland and gives me award winning gas throughout the day, put 8.5 litres of soda down the throat, and racked up a little over 3000 km on Roger (the rental car).

I will not be able to elaborately address everything that happened over the past hand full of days, but I can give you some pointers so you can at least ask a few questions here and there when I see you again.

Saw in the inauguration outside of Gisborne and talked to a number of people here about the new presidency. It was interesting to see news coverage of such an event from a completely different perspective.

Susan Schuler, if you are reading this many thanks for the contact information with your in-laws outside of Whakatane. I got to eat my fair share of fresh fruit from the orchard and spent some time camping with "King" Arther, Martha, and Grant's family on Lake Taraweara. Great family. So Susan (and Rudi), I look forward to meeting you when I return home.

Slept on the side of a dirt road after observing and partaking in what seemed like a religious gala at a hot water beach.

Went surfing after asking to borrow a dude's board, which happened just after I was drug across the sandy beach by a 6 meter kite attached to my waist (i was learning how to kite board. Thank goodness I don't live where it's windy or else I would have to purchase one of those things). Shortly after, I took a stroll down the beach and proceeded to body surf in the nude. I imagine those who were walking on along the shore only thought I had white colored shorts on, until they saw my actual shorts collecting sand at their feet. As odd as it may seem to some of you, I highly recommend this activity. It's quite liberating.

Stayed the night in a guy's camper trailer last night. Crossed paths with him when we realized we were out of drinking water. We pulled over to a random house, and an hour and a half later after a cup of tea (with milk) and refilleding out water we left only to return for the night. The view was spectacular from this used-to-be garage. It looked west from high up off of the Coromandel Pennisula.

Currently I'm back at Katie and Ken's preping for the long haul home in a few days by drinking various beers and eating who-knows-what asian cuisine. It's Monday late afternoon here with the air temp at a comfrotable 25 degrees. :) Too soon will that 25 turn to ferenheit, :(

By the way, after nearly three weeks seeing every corner of New Zealand's North Island we never paid a single cent for accomodation. So despite all the holidays that were happening (Wellington and Auckland Anniverseries and school holidays) and tourist traps, we broke the status quo and didn't feed the pocketbook depleating system.


1 comment:

  1. boy have I found the perfect job for you... the deadline to apply if Feb 22, so be sure to contact me as soon as you get back, I'll tell you all about it. Can't wait to hear more stories, glad you are having a blast. Safe travels back to the states!
    love your little bit sis
