Monday, February 2, 2009

Alive and still kickin'

For your information, I'm back in Spokane and starting school back up tomorrow morning. Life the past few weeks has been so real and surreal, which will make things interesting as my last semester starts up. I've learned a lot and still have a ton more to learn. Life is an experience, full of short stories.

I plan on continuing this blog with first further developing stories from New Zealand so I don't forget the small things nor leave everyone hanging. But as time goes on I imagine this turning into written record and sneak peak into my life as I start my next major transition, a transition into who knows what. I foresee ups and downs, dull moments and exciting ones. You're invited to read along, ask questions, and share in my life.

So stay tuned to for a further look into my time with the police commander (it's not what you think) and much more.

By the way, I did bungee jump over a river, got dunked, and loved it. I recommend the experience to everyone including those of you who are afraid of heights; it just makes you feel alive!

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